Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

As an organization and dance company that has been fortunate to learn and benefit from Black and Indigenous artists, histories and ways of being and knowing, our goal as a company is to make sure we are spreading awareness and doing our part to dismantle systemic racism and racist practises, in all dimensions of the arts, and particularly in the world of dance.

Broken Rhythms prides itself on creating an inclusive environment, for audience and dancers alike, and contributing to arts outreach programmes throughout our communities.  We recognize that we have a ways to go to ensure the kinds of structural changes that will guarantee permanent and continual change, for our company and the people we partner with.  Our plan is to continue to address, adjust and evolve.

Please visit and check back often to this website to see how Broken Rhythms intend to live our commitments, now and in the years to come.


Broken Rhythms staff, board members and creative team

If you have any questions or comments please contact Dyana Sonik-Henderson at brokenrhythmsvictoria@gmail.com